Little Salon: These Post-Neo-Pop Like Days
December 05 to January 23, 2013/2014
Following the now traditional values of Pop Art in the mid-1950’s to the Neo-Pop resurgence of the 1980’s (Jeff Koons, Takashi Murakami), Walnut Cotemporary is proud to present ‘Little Salon: These Post-Neo-Pop Like Days’. How do we identify a new wave of emerging artists that utilise today’s mass cultural products in to their art? What of the artists that merge pop colours and techniques to state their contemporary identity? They can only be Post-Neo-Pop artists, we’re sure.
Comprising of small-scale works by seventeen contemporary artists, pieces range from the photographic commentary of Chinese production by Shellie Zhang to multi-media works inspired by the folklore of firearms by Tom Ridout. There will be masterful manipulations of paint and colour by artists such as Marc Cooper and Erin Loree and site-specific artists such as Nathalie Quagliotto will keep us guessing while sculptor Curtis Santiago invites us in to his miniature and paradoxical environments.
Questions of satire will be raised, iconic images will be manipulated, and popular culture will find itself at the hands of a new generation, yet again