My 'Consumed' photo series was selected for the portfolio edition of Light Leaked. The edition was curated by Dr. Terry Barrett who is an American art critic, artist, and Professor Emeritus at Ohio State University. He has authored five books: Criticizing Photographs (4th ed.); Making Art: Form & Meaning; Why Is That Art?; Criticizing Art (2nd ed.); and Talking about Student Art. He edited the anthology Lessons for Teaching Art Criticism, published articles in Aesthetic Education, Afterimage, Art Education, Exposure, Camera-Lucida, Dialogue, Cultural Research in Art Education, New Advocate, New Art Examiner, Studies in Art Education, Teaching Artist Journal, Theory into Practice, and Visual Arts Research.
'FRAMEWORK' wins Jim P. Shea Memorial Award for Best Overall Submission in the SNAP! 2017 Photo Competition
The SNAP! event shows some of the best photography work in the GTA. Just making the cut here is great. This is a real honour.
'Cart Study' selected for the silent auction for the 2017 SNAP! photography fundraiser in Toronto.
I was happy to hear that this triptych was selected for the silent 2017 SNAP! silent auction. Every year SNAP! presents a stellar collection of photographs and it's always great to be included in such company. I have been advancing work on structural metal forms for some time now. You can see more carts here in a small publication I produced.
RMG Exposed 2016 - award
Framework Study was awarded the Architecture and Urban Photography Award at the 2016 RMG Exposed event at the Robert McLaughlin gallery in Oshawa. This is the second year in a row that I have received this award.
Framework Study - 2015
This City: A Group Photography Exhibition
I'm pleased to have a photograph from my Concession series in this show at Coldstream Fine Art. 'This City' , brings together an eclectic group of 12 Toronto-based photographers, each with their own interpretation of their city through the camera’s lens. Each artist was tasked with presenting an image that represents their own subjective perceptions and experiences. The diverse styles and backgrounds of the group resulted in a unique array of imagery connected to the theme. This City runs from May 7th to May 31st 2016.
Beauty Lounge - 2014
I'm pleased to have a photograph from my Concession series in this show at Coldstream Fine Art. 'This City' , brings together an eclectic group of 12 Toronto-based photographers, each with their own interpretation of their city through the camera’s lens. Each artist was tasked with presenting an image that represents their own subjective perceptions and experiences. The diverse styles and backgrounds of the group resulted in a unique array of imagery connected to the theme. This City runs from May 7th to May 31st 2016.
2016 SNAP! Live Auction group announced
I'm honoured to have a photograph included in this great group.
RMG Exposed 2015 - Award winners announced
My photograph titled 'Michigan Avenue' was awarded the prize for the urban / architecture category. See all the winners here.
RMG Exposed 2015
My work was recently included in the annual RMG Exposed fundraiser for the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa. This is a yearly event for the gallery. One of my two selected pieces 'Machine Age' was a staff pick by Senior Curator Linda Jansma. See her selections here.
Consumed series on Bohemianizm
Photographs from the 'Consumed' series were posted on the art web site Bohemianizm.
F-Stop Magazine
Two photographs from my Grain series were included in the February 2015 B&W group exhibition at
2015 SNAP! Live auction
I'm honoured to once again be included in the live auction group. This photograph was selected from my CONCESSION series and this is the first time I have shown this. There are always such great photographs in the show and sale. Take a look at the gallery here....
You can never go wrong with extra bacon
Scarab Club Photography Show
I was pleased to have been selected to show a piece from the Concession series at this historical Detroit Arts Club. Opens Wednesday Oct. 23 and runs to November 21, 2014.
You can read more about the club here
For the Record: Roadmaps & Diaries
For the Record: Roadmaps & Diaries
Juried Exhibition of Contemporary Photography
September 13 - October 19, 2014
Opening Reception: Thursday September 18, 7 - 9 PM
The proliferation of social media platforms, accessibility of photo-based applications and wide assortment of digital devices has brought forth a new generation of artists. The successive upkeep of new technology has enabled digital imagery to permeate our culture instantly. The photograph, once a source of truth and a time capsule for moments of significance is now an accessory to the daily routine that is propelled by the desire to preserve everything.
Images are frequently interjected with falsified facts and different versions of the same story. Reproductions of the same image test the value of a single photograph and assistance of digital resources distract from the intrinsic talent of the Artist. This juried exhibition asks artists in all stages of their careers to re-introduce photography as an art form within a contemporary framework.
Exhibition jurors include Susana Reisman, Artist/Co-Director at Circuit Gallery, Toronto; Darren Rigo, Artist/Head of Membership and Facilities at Gallery 44, Toronto and Megan Press, Artist/Curator at the Living Arts Centre Gallery, Mississauga.
Participating artists include: Mina Ao, Jason Brown, Catherine Chan, Philip Cheung, Brian Deignan, Tim Forbes, Shannon Garden-Smith & Polina Teif, Cal Harben, Nicholas Kozak, Nicole Liao, Bogdan Luca, Morris Lum, Robert Quance, Tom Ridout, Matthew Trahan.
Grimsby Public Art Gallery show announcement
Grimsby Public Art Gallery
Two of my photographs from the CONCESSION series have been selected by the jury for their Bi-Annual Art Exhibition. Here is one of them Beauty Lounge.
SNAP! 2014
Toronto’s most exciting annual auction of contemporary photography has happened and it was a great event in support of the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT). There were some stellar pieces of work for sale.
Skyline Restaurant 2013 Tom Ridout
Walnut Contemporary Gallery
Little Salon: These Post-Neo-Pop Like Days
December 05 to January 23, 2013/2014
Following the now traditional values of Pop Art in the mid-1950’s to the Neo-Pop resurgence of the 1980’s (Jeff Koons, Takashi Murakami), Walnut Cotemporary is proud to present ‘Little Salon: These Post-Neo-Pop Like Days’. How do we identify a new wave of emerging artists that utilise today’s mass cultural products in to their art? What of the artists that merge pop colours and techniques to state their contemporary identity? They can only be Post-Neo-Pop artists, we’re sure.
Comprising of small-scale works by seventeen contemporary artists, pieces range from the photographic commentary of Chinese production by Shellie Zhang to multi-media works inspired by the folklore of firearms by Tom Ridout. There will be masterful manipulations of paint and colour by artists such as Marc Cooper and Erin Loree and site-specific artists such as Nathalie Quagliotto will keep us guessing while sculptor Curtis Santiago invites us in to his miniature and paradoxical environments.
Questions of satire will be raised, iconic images will be manipulated, and popular culture will find itself at the hands of a new generation, yet again
Gladstone Hotel - The Annual / Shifting Ground
My work will be showing at this event in the ArtBomb / Walnut Contemporary room.
Thurs Oct 10 to Sun Oct 13, 2013
//THE ANNUAL// is the Gladstone Hotel’s annual independent contemporary art event, offering an open and fertile ground for engaging and emerging practices. Over the course of four days, // THE ANNUAL // brings together artists, curators, and collectives to present new work and site-specific installations. Curated by Katherine Dennis
Participating artists were invited to respond to this year’s theme by thinking literally – natural disasters, climate change, border negotiations – and metaphorically – reinvention, disruption, the creation of new worlds. Their eclectic responses consider topics ranging from the micro- to macrocosmic; the deeply personal to widely public; and the philosophical to the technological. They consider practice-based shifts in the art world and beyond.